
This is an old revision of the document!

Note: This API call is for DOS and Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.

2018/09/07 05:04 · prokushev · 0 Comments

Int 21H, AH=59H


3 and higher



Family API


AH = 59h
BX = 0000h


      AX = extended error code (see #01680)
BH = error class (see #01682)
BL = recommended action (see #01683)
CH = error locus (see #01684)
ES:DI may be pointer (see #01681, #01680)
CL, DX, SI, BP, and DS destroyed


functions available under DOS 2.x map the true DOS 3.0+ error code into one supported under DOS 2.x

you should call this function to retrieve the true error code when an FCB or DOS 2.x call returns an error

under DR DOS 5.0, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time

Values for DOS extended error code:

—DOS 2.0+ —
00h (0) no error
01h (1) function number invalid
02h (2) file not found
03h (3) path not found
04h (4) too many open files (no handles available)
05h (5) access denied
06h (6) invalid handle
07h (7) memory control block destroyed
08h (8) insufficient memory
09h (9) memory block address invalid
0Ah (10) environment invalid (usually >32K in length)
0Bh (11) format invalid
0Ch (12) access code invalid
0Dh (13) data invalid
0Eh (14) reserved
0Eh (14) (PTS-DOS 6.51+, S/DOS 1.0+) fixup overflow
0Fh (15) invalid drive
10h (16) attempted to remove current directory
11h (17) not same device
12h (18) no more files
—DOS 3.0+ (INT 24 errors)—
13h (19) disk write-protected
14h (20) unknown unit
15h (21) drive not ready
16h (22) unknown command
17h (23) data error (CRC)
18h (24) bad request structure length
19h (25) seek error
1Ah (26) unknown media type (non-DOS disk)
1Bh (27) sector not found
1Ch (28) printer out of paper
1Dh (29) write fault
1Eh (30) read fault
1Fh (31) general failure
20h (32) sharing violation
21h (33) lock violation
22h (34) disk change invalid (ES:DI → media ID structure)(see #01681)
23h (35) FCB unavailable
23h (35) (PTS-DOS 6.51+, S/DOS 1.0+) bad FAT
24h (36) sharing buffer overflow
25h (37) (DOS 4.0+) code page mismatch
26h (38) (DOS 4.0+) cannot complete file operation (EOF / out of input)
27h (39) (DOS 4.0+) insufficient disk space
28h-31h reserved
—OEM network errors (INT 24)—
32h (50) network request not supported
33h (51) remote computer not listening
34h (52) duplicate name on network
35h (53) network name not found
36h (54) network busy
37h (55) network device no longer exists
38h (56) network BIOS command limit exceeded
39h (57) network adapter hardware error
3Ah (58) incorrect response from network
3Bh (59) unexpected network error
3Ch (60) incompatible remote adapter
3Dh (61) print queue full
3Eh (62) queue not full
3Fh (63) not enough space to print file
40h (64) network name was deleted
41h (65) network: Access denied (DOS 3.0+ [maybe 3.3+???]) codepage switching not possible (see also INT 21/AX=6602h,INT 2F/AX=AD42h)
42h (66) network device type incorrect
43h (67) network name not found
44h (68) network name limit exceeded
45h (69) network BIOS session limit exceeded
46h (70) temporarily paused
47h (71) network request not accepted
48h (72) network print/disk redirection paused
49h (73) network software not installed (LANtastic) invalid network version
4Ah (74) unexpected adapter close (LANtastic) account expired
4Bh (75) (LANtastic) password expired
4Ch (76) (LANtastic) login attempt invalid at this time
4Dh (77) (LANtastic v3+) disk limit exceeded on network node
4Eh (78) (LANtastic v3+) not logged in to network node
4Fh (79) reserved
—end of errors reportable via INT 24—
50h (80) file exists
51h (81) (undoc) duplicated FCB
52h (82) cannot make directory
53h (83) fail on INT 24h
—network-related errors (non-INT 24)—
54h (84) (DOS 3.3+) too many redirections / out of structures
55h (85) (DOS 3.3+) duplicate redirection / already assigned
56h (86) (DOS 3.3+) invalid password
57h (87) (DOS 3.3+) invalid parameter
58h (88) (DOS 3.3+) network write fault
59h (89) (DOS 4.0+) function not supported on network / no process slots available
5Ah (90) (DOS 4.0+) required system component not installed / not frozen
5Bh (91) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) timer server table overflowed
5Ch (92) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) duplicate in timer service table
5Dh (93) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) no items to work on
5Fh (95) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) interrupted / invalid system call
64h (100) (MSCDEX) unknown error
64h (100) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) open semaphore limit exceeded
65h (101) (MSCDEX) not ready
65h (101) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) exclusive semaphore is already owned
66h (102) (MSCDEX) EMS memory no longer valid
66h (102) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) semaphore was set when close attempted
67h (103) (MSCDEX) not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format
67h (103) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) too many exclusive semaphore requests
68h (104) (MSCDEX) door open
68h (104) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) operation invalid from interrupt handler
69h (105) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) semaphore owner died
6Ah (106) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) semaphore limit exceeded
6Bh (107) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) insert drive B: disk into A: / disk changed
6Ch (108) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) drive locked by another process
6Dh (109) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) broken pipe
6Eh (110) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) pipe open/create failed
6Fh (111) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) pipe buffer overflowed
70h (112) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) disk full
71h (113) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) no more search handles
72h (114) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid target handle for dup2
73h (115) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) bad user virtual address / protection violation
74h (116) (DOS 5.0+) VIOKBD request
74h (116) (NetWare4) error on console I/O
75h (117) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) unknown category code for IOCTL
76h (118) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid value for verify flag
77h (119) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) level four driver not found by DOS IOCTL
78h (120) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid / unimplemented function number
79h (121) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) semaphore timeout
7Ah (122) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) buffer too small to hold return data
7Bh (123) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid character or bad file-system name
7Ch (124) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) unimplemented information level
7Dh (125) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) no volume label found
7Eh (126) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) module handle not found
7Fh (127) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) procedure address not found
80h (128) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) CWait found no children
81h (129) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) CWait children still running
82h (130) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid operation for direct disk-access handle
83h (131) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) attempted seek to negative offset
84h (132) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) attempted to seek on device or pipe
—JOIN/SUBST errors—
85h (133) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive already has JOINed drives
86h (134) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive is already JOINed
87h (135) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive is already SUBSTed
88h (136) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not delete drive which is not JOINed
89h (137) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not delete drive which is not SUBSTed
8Ah (138) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not JOIN to a JOINed drive
8Bh (139) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not SUBST to a SUBSTed drive
8Ch (140) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not JOIN to a SUBSTed drive
8Dh (141) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not SUBST to a JOINed drive
8Eh (142) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive is busy
8Fh (143) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not JOIN/SUBST to same drive
90h (144) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) directory must not be root directory
91h (145) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can only JOIN to empty directory
92h (146) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) path is already in use for SUBST
93h (147) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) path is already in use for JOIN
94h (148) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) path is in use by another process
95h (149) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) directory previously SUBSTituted
96h (150) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) system trace error
97h (151) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid event count for DosMuxSemWait
98h (152) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) too many waiting on mutex
99h (153) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid list format
9Ah (154) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) volume label too large
9Bh (155) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) unable to create another TCB
9Ch (156) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) signal refused
9Dh (157) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) segment discarded
9Eh (158) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) segment not locked
9Fh (159) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid thread-ID address
A0h (160) (DOS 5.0+) bad arguments
A0h (160) (NetWare4) bad environment pointer
A1h (161) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid pathname passed to EXEC
A2h (162) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) signal already pending
A3h (163) (DOS 5.0+) uncertain media
A3h (163) (NetWare4) ERROR_124 mapping
A4h (164) (DOS 5.0+) maximum number of threads reached
A4h (164) (NetWare4) no more process slots
A5h (165) (NetWare4) ERROR_124 mapping
B0h (176) (MS-DOS 7.0) volume is not locked
B1h (177) (MS-DOS 7.0) volume is locked in drive
B2h (178) (MS-DOS 7.0) volume is not removable
B4h (180) (MS-DOS 7.0) lock count has been exceeded
B4h (180) (NetWare4) invalid segment number
B5h (181) (MS-DOS 7.0) a valid eject request failed
B5h (181) (DOS 5.0-6.0,NetWare4) invalid call gate
B6h (182) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid ordinal
B7h (183) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) shared segment already exists
B8h (184) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) no child process to wait for
B9h (185) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) NoWait specified and child still running
BAh (186) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid flag number
BBh (187) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) semaphore does not exist
BCh (188) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid starting code segment
BDh (189) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid stack segment
BEh (190) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid module type (DLL can not be used as application)
BFh (191) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid EXE signature
C0h (192) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) EXE marked invalid
C1h (193) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) bad EXE format (e.g. DOS-mode program)
C2h (194) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) iterated data exceeds 64K
C3h (195) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid minimum allocation size
C4h (196) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) dynamic link from invalid Ring
C5h (197) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) IOPL not enabled
C6h (198) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid segment descriptor privilege level
C7h (199) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) automatic data segment exceeds 64K
C8h (200) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) Ring2 segment must be moveable
C9h (201) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) relocation chain exceeds segment limit
CAh (202) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) infinite loop in relocation chain
CBh (203) (NetWare4) environment variable not found
CCh (204) (NetWare4) not current country
CDh (205) (NetWare4) no signal sent
CEh (206) (NetWare4) file name not 8.3
CFh (207) (NetWare4) Ring2 stack in use
D0h (208) (NetWare4) meta expansion is too long
D1h (209) (NetWare4) invalid signal number
D2h (210) (NetWare4) inactive thread
D3h (211) (NetWare4) file system information not available
D4h (212) (NetWare4) locked error
D5h (213) (NetWare4) attempted to execute non-family API call in DOS mode
D6h (214) (NetWare4) too many modules
D7h (215) (NetWare4) nesting not allowed
E6h (230) (NetWare4) non-existent pipe, or bad operation
E7h (231) (NetWare4) pipe is busy
E8h (232) (NetWare4) no data available for nonblocking read
E9h (233) (NetWare4) pipe disconnected by server
EAh (234) (NetWare4) more data available
FFh (255) (NetWare4) invalid drive

Note: there is a report that some Microsoft documentation shifts all DOS

  error codes in the range BCh (188) through CAh (202) up by one
  compared to what is listed here; that is probably a documentation

SeeAlso: #01682,#01683,#01684,#01961

Format of media ID structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01681) 00h 12 BYTEs ASCIZ volume label of required disk 0Ch DWORD serial number (DOS 4.0+) SeeAlso: #01680

(Table 01682) Values for DOS Error Class: 01h (1) out of resource (storage space or I/O channels) 02h (2) temporary situation (file or record lock) 03h (3) authorization / permission problem (denied access) 04h (4) internal system error (system software bug) 05h (5) hardware failure 06h (6) system failure (configuration file missing or incorrect) 07h (7) application program error 08h (8) not found 09h (9) bad format 0Ah (10) locked 0Bh (11) media error 0Ch (12) already exists / collision with existing item 0Dh (13) unknown / other 0Eh (14) (undoc) cannot 0Fh (15) (undoc) time SeeAlso: #01680,#01683,#01684

(Table 01683) Values for DOS Suggested Action: 01h retry 02h delayed retry (after pause) 03h prompt user to reenter input 04h abort after cleanup 05h immediate abort (“panic”) 06h ignore 07h retry after user intervention SeeAlso: #01680,#01682,#01684

(Table 01684) Values for DOS Error Locus: 01h unknown or not appropriate 02h block device (disk error) 03h network related 04h serial device (timeout) 04h (PTS-DOS 6.51+ & S/DOS 1.0+) character device 05h memory related

See also

AH=59h/BX=0001h,AX=en:docs:dos:api:int21:5d:0a|5D0Ah]],INT 2F/AX=122Dh,INT 24


2018/09/04 17:23 · prokushev · 0 Comments