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Note: This API call is for DOS and Win16 personality only. Use Family API for portability.
Int 21H, AH=41H
2 and higher
Family API
AH = 41h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename (no wildcards, but see notes) CL = attribute mask for deletion (server call only, see notes)
CF clear if successful
AX destroyed (DOS 3.3) AL seems to be drive of deleted file CF set on error AX = error code (02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
(DOS 3.1+) wildcards are allowed if invoked via AX=5D00h, in which case the filespec must be canonical (as returned by AH=60h), and only files matching the attribute mask in CL are deleted DR DOS 5.0-6.0 returns error code 03h if invoked via AX=5D00h; DR DOS 3.41 crashes if called via AX=5D00h with wildcards DOS does not erase the file's data; it merely becomes inaccessible because the FAT chain for the file is cleared deleting a file which is currently open may lead to filesystem corruption. Unless SHARE is loaded, DOS does not close the handles referencing the deleted file, thus allowing writes to a nonexistant file. under DR DOS and DR Multiuser DOS, this function will fail if the file is currently open under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX BUG: DR DOS 3.41 crashes if called via AX=5D00h
See also
AH=13h,AX=4301h,AX=4380h,AX=5D00h,AH=60h,AX=7141h,AX=F244h, INT 2F/AX=1113h
Text based on Ralf Brown Interrupt List Release 61
osFree Macro Library | |
Video I/O | @SetMode @SetCurSz @SetCurPos @GetCur @SetPage @ScrollUp @ScrollDn @Scroll @GetChAtr @PutChAtr @PutCh @SetPalet @SetColor @SetDot @GetDot @WrtTTY @VideoState @GetMode @GetDisplay @GetVideoState @GetEGAInfo @Cls |
Hardware info | @Equipment @MemSize |
Serial I/O | @AuxInit @AuxSendChar @AuxRecieveChar @AuxStatus |
Tape I/O | @TapeOn @TapeOff @TapeRead @TapeWrite |
Keyboard I/O | @KbdStatus @CharIn @CharPeek |
Printer I/O | @PrnPrint @PrnInit @PrnStatus |
Disk I/O | @DskReset @DskStatus @DskRead @DskWrite @DskVerify @DskFormat |
Date and Time | @SetTime @GetTime |
Mouse | @MouInit @MouShowPointer @MouStatus @MouSetPos @MouSetMickey @MouRegion |
Memory manager | @ModBlok SET_BLOCK |