−Table of Contents
This is part of Family API which allow to create dual-os version of program runs under OS/2 and DOS
Note: This is legacy API call. It is recommended to use 32-bit equivalent
This call requests ownership of (locks) the physical display buffer.
VioScrLock (WaitFlag, Status, VioHandle)
- WaitFlag (USHORT) - input : Indicates whether the process should block until the screen I/O can take place.
Value | Definition |
0 | Return if screen I/O not available |
1 | Wait until screen I/O is available |
- Status (PUCHAR) - output : Address of the Indicator of whether the lock is successful, described below.
Value | Definition |
0 | Lock successful |
1 | Lock unsuccessful (in the case of no wait) |
Status is returned only when AX = 0.
Status = 1 may be returned only when WaitFlag = 0.
- VioHandle (HVIO) - input : Reserved word of 0s.
Return Code
rc (USHORT) - return
Return code descriptions are:
This function call permits a process to determine if I/O to the physical screen buffer can take place. This prevents the process from writing to the physical buffer when the process is in the background. Processes must cooperate with the system in coordinating screen accesses.
Screen switching is disabled while the screen lock is in place. If a screen switch is suspended by a screen lock, and if the application holding the lock does not issue VioScrUnLock within a system-defined time limit, the screen switch occurs, and the process holding the lock is frozen in the background. A process should yield the screen lock as soon as possible to avoid being frozen when running in the background. The timeout on the lock does not begin until a screen switch is requested.
When the screen lock is in effect and another thread in the same or different process (in the same session) issues VioScrLock, the second thread receives an error code. VioScrUnLock must be issued by a thread within the same process that issued VioScrLock.
Family API Considerations
Some options operate differently in the DOS mode than in the OS/2 mode. Therefore, the following restriction applies to VioScrLock when coding in the DOS mode:
The status always indicates the lock is successful (Return code = 0).
C Binding
#define INCL_VIO USHORT rc = VioScrLock(WaitFlag, Status, VioHandle); USHORT WaitFlag; /* Block or not */ PUCHAR Status; /* Lock status (returned) */ HVIO VioHandle; /* Video handle */ USHORT rc; /* return code */
MASM Binding
EXTRN VioScrLock:FAR INCL_VIO EQU 1 PUSH WORD WaitFlag ;Block or not PUSH@ BYTE Status ;Lock status (returned) PUSH WORD VioHandle ;Video handle CALL VioScrLock Returns WORD
Text based on http://www.edm2.com/index.php/VioScrLock_(FAPI)