

osFree project

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osFree is a Free Open Source software operating system development project, aiming to replace eventually all OS/2 subsystems with Open source analogues. It aims for OS/2 Warp 4 (Merlin) as a base compatibility system, which does not mean that we will not support features of newer (OS/2 Warp Server for e-business, eComStation and ArcaOS) OS/2 versions. This includes rewriting not only user-level code but the OS/2 kernel too.

We're collecting existing code for OS/2 subsystems for years. Also we are developing our own bootloader named FreeLdr and OS/2 personality for L4 microkernel, i.e. a number of servers, implementing the Control Program (OS/2 kernel) Interface functionality in userspace. See osFree design and development concept for more details. Visit the #osFree IRC channel on the EFNet or https://t.me/osfree_pub Telegram channel.

Several projects with similar goals exist (or existed). Here is the brief comparison of goals and tasks of different projects.

Our project is reusing the code of many opensource projects.

Our project addresses in hidden networks: Tor one, I2P one, Yggdrasil.

Also, we're available as https://osfree.su or https://osfree.ru, and as http://osfree.lib (the latter is domain in EmerDNS decentralized DNS system). Also, in addition to https:, all domains can be accessed as http: too.

Project News

July 5, 2007

For Linux personality we can select existent Linux distribution to have as less maintaining as possible. The Linux personality isn't the main goal of the project and we don't want to lose much time for it.

The Poll about Linux personality is located here.

2018/08/16 08:14 · 0 Comments

June 8, 2007

The dotProject portion of our site has been restored after a long time of being unable to be used by either guests or the osFree staff, upgraded as there was an oppertuinity to do so. In addition to this recently we’ve had a large amount of downtime due to some big problems with one of our host’s hard drives. But now, you can now enjoy viewing the site again and most importantly the project’s status.

2018/08/16 08:32 · 0 Comments

April 1, 2007

PhpBB and Dokuwiki logins have been integrated.

2018/08/16 08:11 · 0 Comments

Febuary 2, 2007

The osFree web team has decided to change several things. First and foremost, unregistered users cannot comment on news stories. Secondly, the ability for you to register your own account has been disabled to prevent spam dummy accounts from registering. From now on, you must request an osFree wiki account either by contacting the admins (if you are a developer you probably already received an account from one of the admins) via email or the forums. These changes were initiated as a preemptive retaliation to a recently registered spam account.

2018/08/18 00:07 · 0 Comments

January 10, 2007

The dotproject area is officially working for guests. You may now check on our progress real time at any time quickly and easily. Also there is a new, better theme integration into phpBB dubbed osfree3 for registered user info. This does not mean we have our login systems integrated yet, however.

2018/08/16 08:17 · 0 Comments

November 22, 2006

Another article at OSNews where mentioned osFree and Voyager

2018/08/16 08:32 · 0 Comments

November 3 2006

After a little work, Kevin Garricks (aka Jay) has been completed the dokuwiki area of the site. There are a few little glitches here and there in the site’s design, but they are nothing that would be of any consequence, and will not detract from the usability nor attractiveness of the site for the user. If you wish to contribute with the growth of the wiki and osFree’s development and documentation you must ask on the forum for us to upgrade your account to “user” or “developer” in order to get started. Unapproved users will be added to another user group which will not be able to make any modifications.

List of Current Problems
  • Edit Toolbar does not show fully. Will be fixed with later DokuWiki release & upgrade. DONE
  • Table of contents appears sideways from Table of contents title. DONE
  • Admin CP has div problems at times.

None of these will really affect you terribly. Please deal with the 2 & 3 while I try to resolve

2018/08/16 08:32 · 0 Comments

November 28, 2005

OSNews.org published news about osFree [1]

2018/08/16 08:07 · 0 Comments

24 November 2005

First osFree screenshot [1].

2018/08/16 08:32 · 0 Comments

May 14, 2005

  • osFree mentioned at osViews.com in article about ReactOS:


  • Samuel A. Falvo II released first boot sequence prototype [2].

Check Boot sequence forum for more information.

  • Old forum replaced by more powerfull forum system (PhpBB). osFree skin is bad ;) We are looking for web-page designers.
  • Kernel selected. It is L4 Microkernel [3]. Most probably ReactOS will be ported to L4 also (things happen).

As result we can have 'Virtual drivers' like from L4Linux [4].

2018/08/16 08:32 · 0 Comments

April 3, 2005

Poll stopped.

2018/08/16 08:05 · 0 Comments

January 11, 2005

Site online again. Was some problems with scripts. osFree project still in information and sources collecting phase, so no yet general usable stuff.

2018/08/16 08:05 · 0 Comments

osFree userland commit log

osFree OS/2 personality commit log

  • Update sources to the latest Genode source. by valerius2k (2023/06/10 02:18)
    Update sources to the latest Genode source.
  • Fixes to comply with the latest Genode sources. by valerius2k (2022/10/24 01:46)
    Fixes to comply with the latest Genode sources.
  • Delete unneeded symlink. by valerius2k (2022/05/15 22:01)
    Delete unneeded symlink.
  • Additional fixes to build for Genode target successfully. by valerius2k (2020/07/27 20:12)
    Additional fixes to build for Genode target successfully.
  • Add forgotten unpack.c file. by valerius2k (2020/06/18 23:58)
    Add forgotten unpack.c file.
  • LX loader fixes and enhancements by valerius2k (2020/04/25 11:29)
    LX loader fixes and enhancements - LX executable pages packing algorithms implementations. All three algorithms are supported from now, including the new algorithm introduced in OS/4 kernel. For that purpose, some code is ported from QSINIT, kLdr and lxlite. - Memory align option is introduced in allocmem() function in LX loader, so now executable sections can be e.g., a 0x10000-byte aligned. - More options, fixup types and entry options are supported now. Now LDT is initialized with 8192 16-bit descriptor. Small patch is applied to L4/Fiasco kernel, so that, kernel should use 8192 LDT descriptors, not 512 ones, which fit in one memory page. So, now some bits of tiling is implemented. Though, 16- bit OS/2 code support is not yet finished. 16:16 and 16:32 fixups and entries are now supported. - Region align support in RegAreaAttach. - Extra fixups support in os2exec. Now fixups other than 32-bit self-relative ones, are supported.
  • - Update the L4env-related README by valerius2k (2020/04/05 09:39)
    - Update the L4env-related README - Build sustem fixes for L4env - Correct registers setup before jumping to the binary (l4env) - LX loader fixes to correctly run vp.exe (VirtualPascal test binary) - Event semaphore-related API fixes
  • LX loader: Code formatting and style fixes. by valerius2k (2019/11/22 06:06)
    LX loader: Code formatting and style fixes.
  • - Use local file handles per task. In os2fs server, use system-wide file by valerius2k (2019/11/21 18:49)
    - Use local file handles per task. In os2fs server, use system-wide file handles, with system file table (SFT). - Fix handlemgr lib. - LX loader: pad remainder of executable file pages to 0x1000 bytes with zeroes. - LX loader: respect a fixup flags like 32-bit target offset, 32-bit additive fixup, 16-bit object number/module ordinal number, 8-bit ordinal. - LX loader: add support for source lists in fixups. - LX loader: some formatting/code beautifying.
  • l4env, l4re: Build system fixes and enhancements. Now mounting/unmoun… by valerius2k (2019/09/29 16:19)
    l4env, l4re: Build system fixes and enhancements. Now mounting/unmounting dirs into chroot works correctly.
  • - Update package hashes. by valerius2k (2019/04/13 00:00)
    - Update package hashes. - Add platform-independent thread API code.
  • - Update package hashes. by valerius2k (2019/04/10 21:27)
    - Update package hashes. - Add client lib packages for each server. - Start thread code unification.

Last forum topics


We're now at the alpha stage, which means that the current version is not feature-complete nor stable and not recommended for everyday usage. The 0.0.x release series will still stay in alpha stage, and 0.9 release series will be marked as beta, meaning a system which is suitable for every day use.

The next release will be 0.0.5, with an release date being open. See our osFree roadmap for details.

Getting access to site areas

The site has several separate areas, like wiki, forum, bugtracker, webmail and dotProject. If you want to get access to these, you should register here first. After you verify your account via email, you'll get access to all five parts of the site. Approval of user accounts by site admin is now disabled. After verification of your account, you need to wait 15 mins or less, until your account info is propagated from forum to another site parts. Note also, that there is a guest account (user: guest, password: guest), which allows you to login to the site areas, requiring a login (like a dotProject area). It gives you a read only access. Once you log in into the forum, you get access to wiki too, and vice versa. The same login applies to dotProject, webmail and bugtracker. After adding to “Users” group you'll get a write access to wiki, bugtracker and forum. If you want to contribute to site design or development, or to get a mail account, the admin can add you to corresponding user groups and your access level will be increased. In case of troubles, or questions, you can contact site admin.