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en:ibm:prcp:mou:readevtque [2016/02/04 05:35] valeriusen:ibm:prcp:mou:readevtque [2016/09/15 04:17] (current) valerius
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 ==== MouReadEventQue ==== ==== MouReadEventQue ====
-**Bindings**: C, MASM +**Bindings**: [[readevtque#bindings|C]][[readevtque#MASM bindings|MASM]]
 This call reads an event from the mouse device FIFO event queue, and places it in a structure provided by the application.  This call reads an event from the mouse device FIFO event queue, and places it in a structure provided by the application. 
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 The //Row// and //Column// fields in the Buffer Parameter may contain either absolute display coordinates or relative mouse motion in mickeys. See [[en:ibm:prcp:mou:setdevstatus|MouSetDevStatus]] for additional information.  The //Row// and //Column// fields in the Buffer Parameter may contain either absolute display coordinates or relative mouse motion in mickeys. See [[en:ibm:prcp:mou:setdevstatus|MouSetDevStatus]] for additional information. 
 +=== C bindings ===
 +<code c>
 +typedef struct _MOUEVENTINFO {  /* mouev */
 +  USHORT fs;                    /* State of mouse at time event was
 +                                      reported */
 +  ULONG  time;                  /* Time since boot in milliseconds */
 +  USHORT row;                   /* Absolute/relative row position */
 +  USHORT col;                   /* Absolute/relative column position */
 +#define INCL_MOU
 +USHORT  rc = MouReadEventQue(Buffer, ReadType, DeviceHandle);
 +PMOUEVENTINFO    Buffer;        /* 10 byte Structure address */
 +PUSHORT          ReadType;      /* Read type */
 +HMOU             DeviceHandle;  /* Mouse device handle */
 +USHORT           rc;            /* return code */
 +=== MASM bindings ===
 +<code asm>
 +  mouev_fs   dw  ?  ;State of mouse at time event was reported
 +  mouev_time dd  ?  ;time since boot in milliseconds
 +  mouev_row  dw  ?  ;absolute/relative row position
 +  mouev_col  dw  ?  ;absolute/relative column position
 +EXTRN  MouReadEventQue:FAR
 +INCL_MOU            EQU 1
 +PUSH@  OTHER   Buffer        ;10 byte Structure address
 +PUSH@  WORD    ReadType      ;Read type
 +PUSH   WORD    DeviceHandle  ;Mouse device handle
 +CALL   MouReadEventQue
 +Returns WORD