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en:docs:fapi:mouse_control [2022/02/06 03:46] – created prokusheven:docs:fapi:mouse_control [2022/02/11 05:49] (current) prokushev
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-^ IOCtl Fcn ^ MOU API Function ^ Function Performed ^ +{{page>en:templates:fapiint}} 
-| IOMR_NB | MouGetNumButtons | Get # of mouse buttons | + 
-| IOMR_MC | MouGetNumMickeys | Get# of mickeys/centimeter | +^ IOCtl Fcn ^ Mouse Router function ^ MOU API Function ^ Function Performed ^ Status ^^ 
-| IOMR_GS | MouGetDevStatus | Get device status flags | +^ :::       ^ ::: ^ :::              ^ :::                ^ OS/2 ^ FAPI 
-| IOMW_DS | MouSetDevStatus | Set device status flags | +| IOMR_NB | FC_MOUGETNUMBUTTONS | [[MouGetNumButtons]] | Get # of mouse buttons | | 1.20 
-| IOMR_QS | MouGetNumQueEI | Get event queue status | +| IOMR_MC | FC_MOUGETNUMMICKEYS | [[MouGetNumMickeys]] | Get# of mickeys/centimeter | 
-| IOMR_RD | MouReadEventQue | Read event queue contents | +| IOMR_GS | FC_MOUGETDEVSTATUS | [[MouGetDevStatus]] | Get device status flags | 
-| IOMR_GF | MouGetScaleFact | Get current scaling factors | +| IOMW_DS | FC_MOUSETDEVSTATUS | [[MouSetDevStatus]] | Set device status flags | 
-| IOMW_SS | MouSetScaleFact | Set new scaling factors | +| IOMR_QS | FC_MOUGETNUMQUEEL | [[MouGetNumQueEl]] | Get event queue status | 
-| IOMR_GM | MouGetEventMask | Get current event mask | +| IOMR_RD | FC_MOUREADEVENTQUE | [[MouReadEventQue]] | Read event queue contents | 
-| IOMW_EM | MouSetEventMask | Set new event mask | +| IOMR_GF | FC_MOUGETSCALEFACT | [[MouGetScaleFact]] | Get current scaling factors | 
-| N/A | MouOpen | Open mouse support | +| IOMW_SS | FC_MOUSETSCALEFACT | [[MouSetScaleFact]] | Set new scaling factors | | 1.20 
-| N/A | MouClose | Close mouse support | +| IOMR_GM | FC_MOUGETEVENTMASK | [[MouGetEventMask]] | Get current event mask | 
-| N/A | MouRegister | Install a mouse subsystem | +| IOMW_EM | FC_MOUSETEVENTMASK | [[MouSetEventMask]] | Set new event mask | 
-| N/A | MouDeRegister | Deinstall a mouse subsystem | +| N/A | FC_MOUOPEN | [[MouOpen]] | Open mouse support | 
-| N/A | MoulnitReal | Initialize DOS mode driver | +| N/A | FC_MOUCLOSE | [[MouClose]] | Close mouse support | 
-| IOMW_SP | MouSetPtrShape | Assign new pointer shape | +| N/A | N/A | [[MouRegister]] | Install a mouse subsystem | 
-| IOMW_GP | MouGetPtrShape | Assign new pointer shape | +| N/A | N/A | [[MouDeRegister]] | Deinstall a mouse subsystem | 
-| IOMW_DP | MouDrawPtr | Unmark collision area | +| N/A | FC_MOUINITREAL | [[MouInitReal]] | Initialize DOS mode driver | 
-| IOMW_RP | MouRemovePtr | Mark collision area |+| IOMW_SP | FC_MOUSETPTRSHAPE | [[MouSetPtrShape]] | Assign new pointer shape | 
 +| IOMW_GP | FC_MOUGETPTRSHAPE | [[MouGetPtrShape]] Get pointer shape | 
 +| IOMW_DP | FC_MOUDRAWPTR | [[MouDrawPtr]] | Unmark collision area | | 1.20 
 +| IOMW_RP | FC_MOUREMOVEPTR | [[MouRemovePtr]] | Mark collision area | | 1.20 | 