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en:docs:dos:api:int21:44:00 [2021/04/30 06:43] – created prokusheven:docs:dos:api:int21:44:00 [2024/05/03 01:19] (current) prokushev
Line 32: Line 32:
 ===== Notes ===== ===== Notes =====
-  value in DH corresponds to high byte of device driver's attribute word +value in DH corresponds to high byte of device driver's attribute word if handle refers to a character device 
-          if handle refers to a character device +           
-        Novell NetWare reportedly does not return a drive number in bits 5-0 +Novell NetWare reportedly does not return a drive number in bits 5-0 for a disk file 
-          for a disk file +           
-        this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus+this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus
 Bitfields for device information word: Bitfields for device information word:
-Bit(s)  Description     (Table 01423) + 
- character device +Bit(s) Description ^ 
-  14    device driver can process IOCTL requests (see AX=4402h"DOS 2+") +character device ^^ 
-  13    output until busy supported +14 device driver can process IOCTL requests (see AX=4402h"DOS 2+"| 
-  11    driver supports OPEN/CLOSE calls +13 output until busy supported | 
-      ??? (set by MS-DOS 6.2x KEYB) +11 driver supports OPEN/CLOSE calls | 
-      set (indicates device) +??? (set by MS-DOS 6.2x KEYB) | 
-      EOF on input +set (indicates device) | 
-      raw (binary) mode +EOF on input | 
-      device is special (uses INT 29) +raw (binary) mode | 
-      clock device +device is special (uses INT 29) | 
-      NUL device +clock device | 
-      standard output +NUL device | 
-      standard input +standard output | 
- disk file +standard input | 
-  15    file is remote (DOS 3.0+) +disk file ^^ 
-  14    don't set file date/time on closing (DOS 3.0+) +15 file is remote (DOS 3.0+) | 
-  11    media not removable +14 don't set file date/time on closing (DOS 3.0+) | 
-      (DOS 4 only) generate INT 24 if no disk space on write or read past +11 media not removable | 
-          end of file +(DOS 4 only) generate INT 24 if no disk space on write or read past end of file | 
-      clear (indicates file) +clear (indicates file) | 
-      file has not been written +file has not been written | 
-  5-0   drive number (0 = A:)+5-0 drive number (0 = A:) |
 ===== See also ===== ===== See also =====
- AX=4401h,INT 2F/AX=122Bh, INT 29+AX=[[en:docs:dos:api:int21:44:01|4401h]],INT 2F/AX=122Bh, INT 29
 ===== Note ===== ===== Note =====